Wednesday, March 20, 2013


This week in science class we are learning about the structure of plants. We are identifying the qualities of living things in plants and their characteristics.

 In math, students are working on solving word problems by using each of the 4 math principles (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division).

We continue to work on and develop our skills in the community and our activities of daily living. On Tuesday we made sandwiches, fruit salad and yogurt parfaits.

Wednesday we enjoyed a half day of school. Students are working hard and looking forward to spring.     

Friday, March 8, 2013

Jellyfish in a bottle!

The class did a pretty cool experiment for science class. All we needed was plastic 2 liters, food coloring, yarn, and a wegmans plastic shopping bag. We filled the 2 liters with water, almost to the brim. Then we cut a square out of the shopping bag and tied the yarn around the middle. After that, tentacles we cut into the bag and food coloring dripped into the middle. Pushed into the water, the jellyfish floated!!!