Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Veteran's Day

We have officially begun our unit on Algebra! We are using a program called Teaching to Standards: Math. It focuses on using real-life situational word problems to help teach algebraic concepts. Please check it out online if you would like to know more!

On Fridays we have had our academic competitions vs. Mrs. O's class and the classrooms are tied 2-2 after 4 weeks! Our first competition was a scavenger hunt around the school identifying sight words before we could get the clue: Mrs. O's class won. Week 2 was a hide and seek activity where each classroom got to hide the vocabulary words in their classroom and then search the other classroom: most words found won (Mr. P's class). In week 3 we played a Smartboard game identifying sight words (Mr. P's class won). Week 4 was a Smartboard quiz testing students' knowledge of the definitions of the vocabulary words (Mrs. O's class won). They have been close competitions throughout and the students have thoroughly enjoyed them.

Today we learned about Veteran's Day and why we celebrate it. Enjoy the 3 day weekend!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Amerks Visit

I will let Riley and Clint tell you about our special visit today!

Friday, October 11, 2013

October 11th 2013

October is here and that means we have some great events coming up! October 21st is our Open House from 6-8. Please stop in our room and see all of the great things we are doing!

October 21st is also our first CBI to Grandview Farms. Please keep a look out for permission slips coming home. We will be talking about farming and how Native Americans used the land around the area.

We have made our Dream Machines and are on our journey to success this year! Please be sure to check it out in the hallway during Open House. Have a great Columbus Day weekend!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

New Year, New Students, New Classroom!

Hi everyone! This year I have moved to a new classroom. I am excited for this opportunity. I have moved from the Senior Life Skills room to the Intermediate I classroom. It has been a big change, but a fun one!

This year we have started a positive reinforcement system called "Money in the Bank." Every time a teacher catches one of our students acting appropriately the student gets a penny. Ten pennies at the end of the day and you get extra free time! For those students who fall short, they can spend some time doing some extra work before getting some extra free time.

The students voted on our Classroom Expectations for the year. We have 5:
Listen to Teachers
Use Nice Words
Keep Hands to Self
Clean Up
Take Turns.

Keep checking back for more news about our upcoming experiments!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


This week in science class we are learning about the structure of plants. We are identifying the qualities of living things in plants and their characteristics.

 In math, students are working on solving word problems by using each of the 4 math principles (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division).

We continue to work on and develop our skills in the community and our activities of daily living. On Tuesday we made sandwiches, fruit salad and yogurt parfaits.

Wednesday we enjoyed a half day of school. Students are working hard and looking forward to spring.     

Friday, March 8, 2013

Jellyfish in a bottle!

The class did a pretty cool experiment for science class. All we needed was plastic 2 liters, food coloring, yarn, and a wegmans plastic shopping bag. We filled the 2 liters with water, almost to the brim. Then we cut a square out of the shopping bag and tied the yarn around the middle. After that, tentacles we cut into the bag and food coloring dripped into the middle. Pushed into the water, the jellyfish floated!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sakura Home Japanese Resturant

Mr. P's class finally raised enough money to go out to eat! Since we were learning about Japan, we decided to go to an authentic Japanese resturant this past Tuesday.  Everyone got the hibachi lunch, dramatically cooked right in front of our eyes....

Everyone's ready for the food!

Josh, Noah, Cameron and Carli are all excited to finally eat Japanese food.


WOW! Everything's on fire!

Carli, Ashlee and Jake enjoyed the bridge over the small lake.

Noah listens to Josh explain whats happening.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Catch up

Here is a quick over view of what has been happening:


  •  Identified planets and moons in the Solar System and possibilities of life?
  • Wrapped up graphing unit in Math
  • Practiced using grocery store advertisements to plan a dinner party for friends
  • Discussed our IEPs and what our strengths and needs are

  • Studied space travel: Moon landings, Mars rovers
  • Began geometry and algebra units
  • Began our action plan for planning our future: Define the Problem, Outline the Options, Identify the outcome for each option, Take action
  • Began unit on Living Things: Characteristics
  • Continue geometry and algebra units
  • Began discussion of reading advertisements, determining best values
  • Began learning about Community Services that are available and how to access them now and after graduation