Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Conservatory and Zoo

We wrapped up our Science unit with a trip to the Lamberton Conservatory and the Seneca Park Zoo this past week. The students enjoyed the flora and fauna of the desert and rainforest at the conservatory. Then they were able to see the animals that inhabit those ecosystems at the zoo! Enjoy the pictures from both of these trips.

Friday, June 8, 2012

June 8th

Another week gone and we only have 2 more left before summer! We began working on our garden this week by planting peas. We will be transplanting them from their containers straight into the soil in the upcoming weeks. We will be going to Highland Park and the conservatory located there next Thursday! And just a few days later we will be making our trip to the zoo! The students planned the trip, wrote all of the letters, and are using a zoo map to plan the actual visit through the zoo. Everyone is very excited!

Yearbooks are coming home today! Have a great weekend!

Friday, June 1, 2012

June 1st

This week we started preparing for our trip to the zoo! The students have decided that we will need 2 vans, and have chosen Stephanie Mancini and Stephanie Deeney to drive them. They have also decided that we will be making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and turkey sandwiches for lunch. Our sides will be: original potato chips, sour cream and onion potato chips, and fruit salad. We will have gluten free brownies for dessert! We sorted the animals at the Seneca Park Zoo into what ecosystems the animals live in naturally. Everyone is excited!

Today the group Alhambra made pizza for the school, which the students loved. Afterward there was a dance in the gym and everyone had a great time.